Selasa, Oktober 18, 2011

Artikel : Awas Angin Matahari !

Solar Wind

“Angin matahari berbahaya buat tubuh manusia. Jika diterpa angin listrik ini, sel tubuh manusia berubah menjadi sel bermuatan listrik. Istilah kerennya mengalami ionisasi. Ini sangat berbahaya karena sel itu akan berubah bentuk atau mengalami mutasi. Akibatnya bisa kena kanker. Atau jangan-jangan bisa jadi pahlawan Fantastic Four seperti yang ada di film? Mungkin...”

Sumber :

Conclusion :

The paragraph above is a fragment from the article "Awas Angin Matahari !". This article contains about the
solar wind are "bad" and dangerous. Solar wind blew like a comet's tail, disrupt satellites, and Earth's atmosphere. Even the human body's cells can change if the solar wind. Horrible is not it?

You would know if the sun is a ball of helium and hydrogen gas are burned. The temperature on the surface of the sun can reach 6000C. Well, the solar wind helium and hydrogen gas that evaporates or electrically charged regardless of the heat of the sun. These electrically charged gas then spread to all corners of the solar system.

You know the comet? It turned out that the comet is an "ignorance" of the solar wind to the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is a cloud surrounding the solar system. Bias the Oort cloud was thrown from its orbit and gravitational pull of the sun. As the sun approached the Oort cloud, the cloud melts and becomes a gas. Solar wind pushed it up to resemble the tail gas. So the comet which we sometimes see in the night sky was the result of "ignorance" of the solar wind to the Oort cloud.

In addition to ignorant to the Oort cloud, it turns out disturbances from the solar wind is also a satellite in space. Exposure to lead his satellite spinning. Eventually these satellites out of orbit. Thus, satellite experts have to work hard to restore the original satellite into orbit.

Although the solar wind like "ignorant" and "disturbing", it is also harmful solar wind. As a fragment of the paragraph above, if the solar wind, the human body's cells can turn into electrically charged cells. This load cell can change shape and mutate, it can even result in cancer.

How do I let the sun so as not to hit people? Just the atmosphere that can do it. Why? Because the atmosphere has a layer of the ionosphere (the outermost layer) that can receive the sun to become electrically charged gas.

That is my analysis of the solar wind. Hope can increase your knowledge about the solar wind.

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